Friday, July 22, 2011

I know I'm going to have to let you grow up sometime...

...but it is just so hard!   Of course I don't want you to be a baby anymore, and it makes me proud to watch you grow and develop, figure out who YOU are. 

My mommy smarts hint at possible reasons that letting you grow up is hard. 

Deep down I am probably just trying to protect you.  Or maybe me?  Your development is a little crazy, all over the map.  Meaning, you haven't necessarily followed the typical trajectory, which is fine.  It makes you unique and interesting!  We have waited long, long months for you to achieve milestones, and we have celebrated all of your success!  I cried the first time I saw you stand yourself up in the middle of the room.  

This summer was challenging.  You have the energy of a 2 year old, but until a few weeks ago you could not walk.  You were limited, and it's hard to take a crawling/climbing 2 year old to the park.  You wanted to play with your peers, but you were constantly being trampled.  The children's museum is tough too.  But we've made do, you and I.  We have kept plenty busy, and you have become a walker.  I couldn't be more proud of you.  That was a tough milestone for me to watch you s..l...o...w...l...y achieve.  As your momma, I got my hopes up time and time again.  Your "delays" showed more clearly to those around you.  And I just wanted you to be able to play and act like a 2 year old.  We are finally getting there!!  This intense need to physically protect you because I am not worried about your tiny fingers being trampled has ceased.  Now I am just on the lookout for busted lips from falling. 

Subconsciously maybe I am holding on to your baby stage.  You are full on toddler now.  I love it.  I do.  It is so much fun; it's pure exhaustion as well.  I am ready for another baby; I am ready for you to be a big sister.  We always said that you needed to be more independent before we could start the baby talk.  I think you're there.  It's hard though.  I know lots of other moms have felt this way.  I know I won't have to split my love.  I know my love will just grow, but what about our alone time?  How will that make you feel?  And me?  I know you will be an amazing big sister when that time comes.

Today was definitely one of those days when I am seeing just how grown up you are getting.

Today you....
sang parts of the chorus to Justin Bieber's "Baby"
identified 13 body parts when mom and dad asked.
requested to watch "Signing Times" and "Tasha (Backyardigans)"
walked from the front door to the garage.
took trash to the garbage can in the kitchen.
asked me to call grandma, and then located the phone to dial after I said we'd call later.
told me to "go" and "bye bye" at naptime and then put yourself to sleep, all by yourself!
brought me a diaper to change you.
picked to eat broccoli at dinner.
thanked our waitress when she brought our food at dinner.
picked out your outfit after much "hmmmmm..."ing (kinda annoying, but truly so cute!)
took of your shoes that were too small and said something that sounded like "I don't like these shoes."
laughed so hard that you tilted your head back, showing all your teeth, and slapped your leg.
picked out your new pillowcase for your new daycare.
told Ashley yes (signing) when you pointed to a pig and she said "pig."
helped push the cart at Target.
picked up and set down your cup at dinner without spilling it.
needed a night light (Momma realized you are scared of the dark).
asked me "What's that?" when I plugged in and turned on the night light.
took out your pacifier and blew me a kiss as you were putting yourself to sleep.

I could go on with so many more examples.  Every day you are an amazing kid.  I'm so lucky to have you in my life ladybug!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how much she has grown, even since I've been here with you all. It's amazing what Em is able to do and accomplish and I'm so proud that she's mine as much as yours. You're pretty amazing too.
