Monday, July 18, 2011

Do I start at the beginning?

I have a birth story written, well most of one at least.  Birth stories seem to be where a lot of us start; it's trendy.  You know what else is trendy?  Blogging.  And blogging for a cause. 

I haven't decided where I want this blog to go yet.  I haven't decided how private or public I want to make this.  Do I want to post it on facebook for all my friends and family to see?  I'm certainly not fearful of judgment.  Maybe I'm afraid nobody cares what I have to say or write?  That is a good possibility.  What I do know is that I have loved writing since I was a child.  Writing helps me process my array of emotions on any given day.  The process of expelling words to "paper" is cathartic to me, always has been.

I don't know where my posts will take me.  I don't know if I'll write daily.  Will I write about my life? Yep.  Will I write about my sassy daughter? You can count on it.  Will I write about Down syndrome? Absolutely.  What I do know is that for the last 19 months I have been in school nearly full time on top of working full time and being a wife and mommy!  Classes are done and graduation is days away.  My hubby says "you've got nervous energy," but I like to think that I spent the last two years writing educationally.  It's time to write for me.

So, let's discuss the elephant in the room.  Quite possibly, for some of you, it's why you are here.   My amazing daughter who happens to be the light of my life also has Trisomy21 (Down syndrome).  She is 2, full of sass, and all things girl!  You should see her carry her purses around!  Here's the deal.  I did not pick this life.  I did not ask for my daughter to have a disability, but she does.  And I do not love her because of her disability, nor do I love her despite her disability.  I love her because she's mine.  I will most definitely share our life for any readers I accumulate along the way.   I will advocate for her and for others with Down syndrome with a fierceness you might not expect from me.  There are so many avenues to discuss and share.  I by no means want to shove Down syndrome down your throats, but there will be many days it will be the topic I choose.  It is a major aspect of our lives, but that is because Emery is the most important accomplishment I've ever achieved.  One day, when there are more babes running around this house, maybe I'll have other things to discuss--sibling rivalry, insurmountable piles of laundry, etc. 

For right now, my hope is that you read and maybe learn, that inaccuracies are corrected, that questions get answered, and that you enjoy "The Adventures of Ladybug Girl" and her momma!

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